How to get the Winding Slitherdrake Mount in WoW


In the ninth expansion of World of Warcraft, Dragonflight, Dragonriding was introduced as a feature of the game. It allows players to customize their dragon mount, and there are currently five different dragon mounts available in the game. If you need help on how to get the Winding Slitherdrake mount in World of Warcraft, we have a detailed guide on acquiring the latest dragon mount in the game!

How to get the Winding Slitherdrake Mount in WoW

To get the Winding Slitherdrake mount in WoW, you’ll need to complete the quest Worst of the Worst, which is the last quest found in the fourth chapter of the Embers of Neltharion campaign. You’ll need to head to the NPC Ebyssian (53.6, 30.2) in Zaralek Cavern in order to start the quest.

Start of Worst of the Worst Quest; Image Source: Wowpedia

To complete the quest Worst of the Worst, you’ll need to “find and eliminate drakonid leading the poachers” and slay Overseer Xymra. Next, you will find Overseer Xymra within the Slitherdrake Roost, which is a cave system located in the northeastern area of Zaralek Cavern (coordinates are 57.0, 30.3).

As mentioned, you’ll need to have completed quite a bit of the Dragonflight campaign to be able to start the Worst of the Worst quest. Make sure you’ve completed Breaking Ground, Sundered Legacy, The Ancient Bargain, and the first six quests from Inherited Sin.

In addition to immense ability to customize (over 50 different options!) your dragon mount, you can also upgrade your flying skills. These upgrades increase how quickly the passive skill Vigor recharges, which is what dragonriding abilities spend. Players can also obtain Dragon Glyphs, found around the Dragon Isles, that allow them to learn additional dragonriding skills. Note, Dragonriding is limited to the Dragon Isles.

We hoped this guide helped you on how to get the Winding Slitherdrake mount in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight! Check out more of our WoW coverage.

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