Baldur’s Gate 3 Party Size: How Many Companions Can You Have?


As fellow adventurers in the epic role-playing game Baldur’s Gate 3, we often face a critical question: “Just how many comrades can join our thrilling quest?” It’s a dilemma, right? Well, let’s unravel this mystery together and see how many companions you can actually rally to your side in Baldur’s Gate 3. And let me assure you; it’s quite an interesting conundrum. Onward, then, to decipher the fine print of our virtual adventuring party.

What’s the Max Party Size in Baldur’s Gate III?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, your party size is limited to four members. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Just four?” That’s right, just you and three companions who you’ll lead in the strategic turn-based battles that define the game. This rule applies equally in multiplayer mode, which might disappoint some.

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And here comes the challenge: with a pool of 10 possible companions, plus the endless possibilities for your own character, it’s like trying to pack a holiday suitcase when you’re an overachiever – you can’t possibly take everything with you. You can’t fit all 12 classes, or all the available companions, into your team at once, meaning favorites will have to be picked.

Can You Increase the Baldur’s Gate 3 Party Size in BG3?

Can you expand the party size in Baldur’s Gate 3? The blunt, honest answer is no. I mean, of course, there’s the PC modding route that some players might consider, tweaking game files and all that jazz, but without any digital wizardry, the party limit stands firm at four.

I remember when I first started playing, I thought, “Surely they’ll let us expand the party size later on,” but no such luck. Baldur’s Gate 3 has been designed with a four-person party in mind and hasn’t swayed from that, even with some players expressing their desire for a larger party during early access. It seems like Larian Studios has their reasons, and we, as players, will have to navigate around this limitation.

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Will the Max Party Size Increase in the Future for BG3?

Now “Will the party size increase in the future?” To be perfectly honest, I don’t have a crystal ball at hand, but considering how the game has been designed, it’s unlikely we’ll see any changes to the base game.

A DLC could always come along that shakes things up a bit, or maybe some modders will gift us with a mod that expands our adventuring group. Modders continue to amaze me, so I wouldn’t be shocked to see a party-expanding mod surface soon. But for now, we’ll just have to wait and see and maybe take another look at that companions list to decide who gets to join the adventure.

In the grand scheme of things, Baldur’s Gate 3, with its immersive role-playing experience, presents us with a tactical challenge of party limitation. Sure, we’d love to have more companions join our journey, but with the party size capped at four, it makes us weigh our options and make strategic choices.

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