What is the weightless item in Welcome to Bloxburg? – Halloween 2023


Image: glossie

During the Halloween event for Welcome to Bloxburg, you’re going to be asked by Sabrina the witch to bring something weightless. This is pretty obscure and doesn’t actually tell you what you need. Sabrina is actually telling you to bring her a potion that makes things weightless. Below, we’ll tell you what the item is to make the potion she needs, and how to make that potion.

If you’re having fun at the Bloxburg Halloween event, check out our guide on solving the maze. This new Halloween update really brought a lot to make players happy.

How to find the weightless item in Bloxburg

To find the weightless item in Welcome to Bloxburg, go to the plenty-o-pumpkins patch and you’ll find balloons in the area. The balloons are the weightless item you need, and you just need one of them. If you’re already at Sabrina, they’re on the hay bale right next to her. If you go to Sabrina now, it won’t complete the quest. Instead, you need to brew a potion with the balloon.

Welcome To Bloxburg Balloon For Weightless Potion
Image: glossie

Take a balloon and head to the cauldron behind the house. Interact with the Cauldron and find the Balloons in the Fun section. Use the balloon as the only ingredient and you will get a Weightless Potion. This is what Sabrina the Witch wants.

Take the Weightless Potion back to Sabrina, and she will comment that it’s a “potion of levitation.” Either way, she takes the potion away and starts on the next quest for you.

This is the second quest that Sabrina gives you and is one of the easiest to do if you know where to go. The only issue is that she’s not clear on what she wants. Looking for a weightless item for making a potion to make items weightless is not the same thing as making the potion yourself. This causes a bunch of confusion because there’s no real indication to make a potion. She’s a witch so you can make the assumption, but it’s still a leap.

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